Anders Lindwall


Anders Lindwall, Steven Shafer, Michael Graf, Missy Mareau Garcia


Davin Lindwall, Aaron Boyd


Russ Fraser

Dan Visser, Darren Moorman, Craig Cheek, Scott Pomeroy, Brooks Malberg


We’re Anders & Davin Lindwall, director and producer brothers behind this movie. We’re the grandsons of dairy farmers in a rural, Wisconsin-Michigan border town. So this, our debut feature film, is infused with the love and generosity of an area we were raised in and adore. And while the film began with us, it ballooned to hundreds of generous community members, filmmakers, and strangers - sharing their time, talents and farm animals to support some no-name cheeseheads trying to sprinkle a little goodness into our modern world…

From script formation in 2019, to waiting overnight in a frozen barn for a calf to be born in 2021, to hunting distribution in 2024-2025, we’ve been involved in every single step of the journey. Our uncles’ robin-egg-blue farm truck serves as the main picture car. Our sister directed and shuttled the local church choir to sing in the film. Local businesses of Door County let us shut down their streets to race a tractor down the road. Three different family farms opened their barn doors between milk schedules for us to bring in cameras and lights. Even Craig T. Nelson bought us our second camera when he noticed on the first day of filming that we only had one. This was a true grassroots project. And as Craig will attest, there ain’t a lot of Hollywood glam on Northern Wisconsin dairy farms in November.

Our film seeks to follow a path of affection - not criticism. The dark themes of a broken family, small-farm crisis, rising farmer suicides, the statistics of ambitious farm kids moving away to the city (ourselves included), are warmly cloaked in a film about wholesome Packers fans — the world’s largest community-owned sports franchise. Beyond the Green Bay Packers, when our wonderful partner, Culver’s caught wind of the film… with tears in their eyes they asked us to change nothing about the film, and generously wanted to help us get the word out about a message they long have understood….

The world belongs to those who are willing to get their hands dirty - to celebrate the great stewards of the earth - farmers. In a world of chaotic, loud voices, the time is now to dignify the quiet, unknown benevolent saints who hold steadily and faithfully hold together the bones of our small and beautiful communities.

“There is no “better place” than this, not in this world. And it is by the place we've got, and our love for it and our keeping of it, that this world is joined to Heaven. . . .” - Hannah Coulter, Wendell Berry

Go pack.

For more information or to inquire about the film, please reach out to davin@childe.com.

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